
Volvo launches in-car delivery service in Sweden

Volvo has brought an earlier trial program to market, announcing the innovative Volvo In-car Delivery service in Gothenburg, Sweden, this week.

Declaring it the first commercially available in-car delivery service, Volvo says its program is designed to release shoppers from the burden of arranging delivery or collecting goods during the hectic Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas shopping periods.

As with the earlier trial, the new service allows users to have items delivered directly to their car, with the delivery driver able to access the Volvo’s storage area with a digital key that essentially works like the owner’s own key fob, but allows the vehicle to be accessed just once.

The owner then receives a notification that their item has been delivered to the vehicle.

The service isn’t available for all retailers yet, however. For now, Volvo has partnered exclusively with logistics company PostNord, along with online toy and baby goods store Lekmer and online grocery retailer Mat.

Likewise, the service is only available in Sweden, but Volvo has confirmed that it intends to roll it out to other regions of Europe and the global market in the future.

Audi launched a similar service in April, but, as with Volvo’s earlier service, the Audi program - which formed part of a partnership with Amazon and DHL - was a limited trial.

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