
Volkswagen advertises Chevrolet Bolt as part of Dieselgate settlement

Electric vehicles from BMW, Hyundai, Honda, Nissan also feature in new ad spot

In one of the quirks of its Dieselgate settlement, Volkswagen has begun rolling out an advertising campaign promoting its competitors.

In the just-released advertisement, a driver stops at a traffic light in his poorly-disguised Subaru Outback, with The Flintstones theme song.

A different, cleaner shaven, and seemingly happier version of himself, with an restrained dog in the front passenger's seat, then pulls up in a Chevrolet Bolt with The Jetsons music playing in the background.

When the lights turn green, the Bolt tears away from the lights, while a voiceover artist tells us: "With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive, and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here, plug in to the present."

The ad was made for Electrify America, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagen America, which was setup as part of the company's multi-billion dollar Dieselgate settlement with the US government.

A Hyundai Ioniq also plays a role in the ad, while the BMW i3, Nissan Leaf, Honda Clarity, and Volkswagen e-Golf are all shown briefly driving off into the sunset.

As part of its deal with the government, Electrify America is tasked with improving electric vehicle awareness via brand-neutral outreach and education activities. It will also install charging stations throughout the country.

All of these activities are part of Electrify America's 10-year, US$2 billion ($2.7 billion) mission to promote a shift to emissions-free driving.

"Chevrolet worked with Electrify America to provide vehicles for their advertising and outreach events, and we look forward to continuing to support growing customer enthusiasm for EVs," the GM brand told Automotive News.

Electrify America will run its ads on radio, digital platforms, and on television with primetime spots planned.

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