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Shouwang BHCD-1 concept by Beijing Hyundai Motor Company

Beijing Hyundai Motor Company has unveiled its first-ever concept vehicle, the Shouwang BHCD-1, at the 2011 Guangzhou Auto Show in China. A production version is being planned strictly for the Chinese market.

The name might be a bit hard to pronounce, but the joint companies behind it - Beijing Automotive and Hyundai - have developed it purely for the Chinese market, and it promises to showcase a highly fuel-efficient hybrid powertrain.

A production version of the rather dramatic sedan is set for the future, however, styling is likely to be revised before it hits the streets. According to reports from China, the production version will be based on the Hyundai Elantra.

Specific details on the engine and drivetrain have not been revealed. Reports say Hyundai has played a fairly significant role in its development though, which points to a certain Hyundai powertrain of some kind.

As for the looks, they're also said to be the result of Hyundai's design departments. It's looks quite good upon first impressions, with plenty of angle and modern sharpness. What do you think of it?

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