
Insurer rejects call to scrap online quotes

The NRMA will not give up its much maligned repair system despite findings that it “is an unsafe system in its current form”.

The NRMA has refused to change its controversial web-based smash repair system despite a parliamentary inquiry's findings that the system is unsafe and should be suspended.

A report published yesterday by the NSW Staysafe Committee found the system results in shoddy repairs, cost-cutting and the use of unsafe parts. It recommended NRMA scrap online damage assessments and allow customers to choose their own repairers.

"[The] system of allocating damaged motor vehicles to smash repairers without the repairers physically inspecting the damaged vehicle before quoting for work … is an unsafe system in its current form," the report found.

But the head of claims and assessing at NRMA, David Brown, said the committee's report was fundamentally flawed and that the company did not plan to make any changes to the system.

"The report contains no evidence of safety issues and has been prepared without the committee even bothering to come and view the system first-hand," Mr Brown said.

"We asked the committee to show us examples of unsafe repairs, and to date they have shown us none. Our customer satisfaction levels have improved since we introduced the system."

NRMA's care and repair system, introduced in July, requires customers to bring damaged cars to a centre for assessment and then allows repairers to bid for the work by examining online photos of the damage. It has led to a battle between the company and the repairers group the Motor Traders Association, which says it encourages cost-cutting and poor repairs. The inquiry found that a contractual term that allows NRMA's parent company, IAG, to fine repairers who deliberately or negligently under-quote is "inherently unsafe".

"This policy … establishes a situation where, because of concern about costs and likely financial penalties, a smash repairer may not report damage, and ignore or only partially perform repairs," the report said.

The committee, chaired by a Labor MP, Paul Gibson, also made a series of scathing criticisms of IAG's handling of the inquiry. It said the company had sought to intimidate witnesses and unduly influence the media, and criticised the company's chief executive, Michael Hawker, and its chairman, James Strong, for being ignorant of the system's operation.

The head of the Motor Traders Association, James McCall, said yesterday that IAG should abandon the system and meet repairers and consumers to develop an alternative. "We hope people don't have to die or be unnecessarily injured before IAG accepts its responsibilities."

"If IAG is unco-operative, the Government should introduce anti-steering legislation and make it an offence for an insurer to push a client to a specific repairer."

The committee, with five Labor MPs and five Opposition and cross-bench MPs, also raised concerns that NRMA's assessors might lack qualifications. It recommended that the Minister for Fair Trading, Diane Beamer, consider introducing licences for assessors.

The committee also said insurers should stop the practice of "funny time, funny money", which allows repairers to quote low hourly rates but give quotes that do not reflect the time spent on the repair.

The story so far

July, 2005: NRMA rolls out a new repair system, requiring customers to take cars to centres for assessment and repairers to bid for work based on online photos of damage.

July/August: Media reports say customers are waiting eight months for minor work and cars are shipped interstate to avoid backlogs. A Productivity Commission report finds the system benefits insurers, consumers and repairers but makes no findings on safety.

October: Staysafe Committee inquiry announced.

December: NRMA tells the committee that repairers who signed up to the system have received death threats.

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