
Audi iPhone app ‘CarMonitor’ tracks car position

Audi has just released a new iPhone application called CarMonitor which can track the whereabouts of your car at any time and also provide emission figures and fuel consumption whilst on the go.

Never again will you forget where you've parked at a big shopping centre, well, you still might forget but at least your phone will be able to point it out for you. Using the car's GPS and OBD-II (on board diagnostics) system, the iPhone is able to connect to these systems and communicate where the car is.

Another cool feature of the new app is its ability to display vital exhaust gas emissions data onto the phone screen. Normally this kind of emissions data is only used within the car's computer system so it can calculate air/fuel ratios and so on and make instant adjustments. But with this new app, all this information is displayed in an easy-to-understand manner.

The new technology was launched at the SEMA show in America just a few days ago where Audi US after sales executive, David Tait, said,

"It's another example of Audi listening to what our owners would like to see to make their motoring experience even more satisfying. Apple iPhone users are used to the kind of 'wow' applications that the smart phone offers. We're very pleased to give them another highly useful tool, especially designed to enhance the Audi driving experience."

The Audi iPhone application CarMonitor key features include:

  • Gives iPhone users ability to monitor/record key vehicle functions
  • Real time information combines with GPS to log trip data
  • Can even be used to find vehicle in parking lot or unknown city
  • Driver can choose to share data online with Audi Labs community
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